Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 2

Tuesdays coming to a close and rest is eagerly awaiting us! Today we spent time at our various sites and finished our night with a scavenger hunt in the historic downtown of Charleston. Time is flying and there are hardly even moments to call home or catch a breath! We're having fun though and hope to have a minute for some students to write and share from their perspective later this week!

Of course with all the fun comes a few bumps. :) Please pray for Anna, who has come down with a stomach bug and a for some other queasiness that's passing around. We sure are tired and hot!

Thanks again!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Wow! Anna is sick? I wish I would have known this without finding it out on the blog! Will definitely be praying about it and for the others that are feeling icky. Hope to hear from someone by phone with an update on how she is doing! Interestingly, Brett and I had some "funny" feelings about her in the last day or so...maybe our parental intuition telling us something wasn't quite right.

    Keep up the good work you are doing! The people there will be blessed because of all you do with and for them!

    Praying for health, safety and growth for each of you and those you are ministering to.

    Deb Buckingham - Anna's Mom

  2. Glad to hear everyone is having fun. Sorry to hear about the illness going around. Hopefully, it will be short lived. I would love to hear some details about what the students are doing.

    Miss you Jenna! Love you MORE!
