Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Free Frosties

Earlier today some of our kids were given Frosties as a thanks for their hard work.

Out on the town Tonight

We are out in downtown Charleston doing a photo scavenger hunt for our evening activity tonight. What fun!

After serving getting to know downtown Charleston

Update on VBS & the mountaineer crew

The VBS at Asbury UMC was cancelled, so the mountaineer crew spent another morning at the nursing home. The kids began to feel comfortable much more quickly today. They heard some great stories, played lots of games and even did some word searches. This afternoon we're joining the river riders at a boys & girls club. It's a totally different pace and we're having tons of fun here too. God is good. Thank for your continued prayer!

The Miners at the Covenant House this morning

Getting ready to leave for our work site

Group time

Morning devotions

We are starting a new day! God was so good yesterday. Last night we learned more about the community and experienced a music experience put on by the church we are staying at. One of our students led someone to Christ yesterday.!! We are continuing with different activities today in the community.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Dinner set up crew

Serving at Golden Living Nursing Home

Hello from Charleston! So far our crew has learned that plans can change, and our kids are being so flexible. This morning we learned all about the VBS we'll be helping run throughout the week. This afternoon they're enjoying lunch and later some bingo at a local nursing home. Pray that lots of kids show up for the Asbury VBS tomorrow through Thursday! We continue to be stretched and I love watching God work through those experiences.

Helping out at boys and girls club

Sunday, June 24, 2012

We are here in Charleston!

We had a safe trip through country roads and are busy unpacking air mattresses and setting up. We received a warm welcome from some of the people at the church we are staying. We will be briefed tonight and begin our serving tomorrow!

Church service this morning

Saturday, June 23, 2012

We arrived at our hotel! Day 1

We had a safe trip to our hotel. It's great to see our students connecting. Tomorrow morning we visit a church in the morning and continue our trip to Charleston. Continue to pray for safety and preparation of our hearts as we start serving we will have pictures in the days to come.

Getting ready to leave.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Are you ready?

I'm excited to see what God has in store. Just a few short days!